The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Tag Archives: gratitude

A Love Letter to My Disco Soul Sister

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Dearest MK (a.k.a. my Disco Soul Sister),

So often business can ruin good friendships. Yet with ours, not only has it endured, but our friendship has been forged into something truly extraordinary. When I think of the GEM, I think of, above all else, true FRIENDSHIP. 

“There’s nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas

Not only our almost 20-year friendship, but also with the people we have met throughout our relationship, the wonderful staff we have nurtured, and the life-changing friendships that have emerged from the creation of The GEM. I am forever grateful and constantly in awe of the blessing of it all.

What Our FRIENDSHIP Means To Me 

  • F is for FAMILY. You are my soul sister, a part of my family. And I adore that. F is also for FOREVER YOUNG: Flashy earrings, fun costumes, and first-rate dance routines.
  • R is for RARE. Your joy and kindness are truly RARE superpowers. It’s our company’s Religion now. Risk takers.  Some folks said no. But we did it!! Rainbows. And unicorns, and flower crowns. Just because it brings joy.
  • I is for IMAGINE The GEM as the beautiful force it is—something we never imagined.
  • I is also for ICONIC. The GEM shines bright for this entire community.
  • E is for EVERYDAY I get to play and giggle, cry and laugh with you. This Entrepreneurship EMPOWERS us to do great things. Not to mention our Executive lunches with Elevated Elixirs like juice and tequila. 😉
  • N is for NEEDLES & THE NEUROSURGEON. Our partnership = complete. 
  • D is for DISCO (naturally!). DW, Divine Dates, Diamonds, Dedication, and Discovering new things Daily. For a DECADE! The GEM is DESTINED for greatness. Hot DAMN!
  • S is for STARDUST, Seventies, Sequins, Snacks, Sunny, Soulshine. Supersonic Smoothies.
  • H is for HEALTH. Together we have become the mecca in Dallas for clean food, and crusade leaders for a Healing, HAPPY lifestyle. People want to know what WE think about health? Holy Kale! 
  • I is for Impressive. We STARTED the organic buzz in Dallas! Mic drop. Innovation and Inspiration to be better. Always.
  • P is for POSITIVE energy & PASSION for what we do.  It is the special ingredient that makes The GEM what it is, and who we are as a team. Prize winner. It’s what I am every day working with you, babe.

I love you more than you will know, and I am so very grateful for our beautiful creation. Love, friendship & another decade of disco


Be A Smarty Pants with Original G·E·M·S (Part I: Gratitude)

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Gearing up for a new school year can be hectic, no doubt about it. BUT, if we embrace the chaos and express gratitude for our kids’ opportunities and abilities in the classroom, we can give them the support they need to perform their best, in school and beyond. Try these Original G·E·M·S Life daily GRATITUDE practices for a smarty pants semester this fall!


Start Smart this Semester with Original G·E·M·S Life

Original G·E·M·S know the road to healthy isn’t paved with just clean eating and exercise. Our mental health plays just as big a role in our overall wellness as what we put on our plate and how we move our bodies. Because of this, our daily habits have a HUGE impact on brain health—a super important topic as we approach a new school year!

You have the opportunity every single day to do something good for your brain (and, in turn, your body). And what better way to start than with our first Original G·E·M·S Life category, GRATITUDE, each day? Read on for tips on how to practice GRATITUDE daily this school year.

Having GRATITUDE for A Shiny New School Year!

There is no shortage of studies that link a practice of gratitude gives way to an overall sense of well-being. But did you know that practicing gratitude can also have a positive impact on our focus and resilience in learning? 

According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, when students intentionally practice gratitude toward learning, they have better focus during class, while studying, or taking an exam.

Practicing gratitude then seems like a no-brainer (pun intended!) for excelling in the classroom! Try out these quick and easy Original G·E·M·S Life practices to start your day with a gratitude mindset before hitting the books this school year.

3 Ways to Start Your School Day with GRATITUDE

  • PRACTICE MORNING MEDITATIONS. Center yourself by taking 15 minutes each morning to meditate and reflect on the positive. Doing so will automatically start your day with an optimistic outlook and ready to tackle whatever may come. 
  • START GRATITUDE MAPPING. Similar to a gratitude journal, gratitude mapping is creating a visual mood board to represent things you’re grateful for. Add to it daily and put it on display to help remind you of all the good things you have to be grateful for! 
  • VOLUNTEER TO HELP. We all know someone who could use a hand. Volunteer to help your kids’ carpool lane. Sign up to become a reading buddy or a tutor in the classroom. Just put yourself out there and see—helping those in need brings on a sense of compassion for humanity, and helps us have gratitude for our circumstances!

Try these daily practices to help you have a smarty pants semester, but don’t forget; Gratitude is just ONE important element of living an Original G·E·M·S Life. To Shine Brighter in all areas of your life, commit daily to one practice in each Original G·E·M·S Life category, Gratitude, Eat Clean, Move, and Shine, and watch the transformation begin! 

And be on the lookout for more tips on how to have a Smarty Pants Semester on our blog, Facebook & Instagram!

Spring Clean Your Daily Routine with Original G·E·M·S Life!

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Spring is our favorite season of the year because it’s a season of growth. It’s the perfect time to re-group, re-prioritize, and revitalize the life you are living. Take stock of your daily routine and see how you can improve this spring with these Original G·E·M·S Life practices!


Spring Into Personal Growth!

Great for the mind, body and soul, an Original G·E·M·S Life spring clean is just what the doctor ordered. By committing to one practice in each category (Gratitude, Eat Clean, Move, and Shine) you’ll set off a chain reaction of transformation and Shine Brighter in all areas of your life. But the growth doesn’t stop there. Add in more practices as you go, and watch the transformation begin!

12 Original G·E·M·S Life Practices to #SpringClean Your Routine


  • REFLECT & RESET. There is SO much to be grateful for–this spring especially. To get into a gratitude mindset, take stock of your mental state as we bid adieu to winter. What have you accomplished last season you’re proud of? What things would you like to change? What are your hopes for the new season?
  • CUT OUT NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. STOP putting energy into negative chatter. Remember: You attract what you put out into the universe. You are love. You are light. Repeat this mantra daily.
  • KEEP JOURNALING! Our Day in the Life of a GEM Journal is the perfect tool to continue your daily gratitude journal. Start each day by listing 3 things you are grateful for. You’ll be amazed at how many wonderful things you will think of.


  • ADD IN SPRING GREENS! Detox daily by eating our Dandelion Salad or Kale Salad for lunch. Our MVP soup is also something you can (and should!) drink every day. It adds five servings of sparkle-inducing veggies into your day! Plus, these super-green foods are supportive of your liver, the major organ responsible for filtering toxins from your body. Order online now!
  • ORGANIC SEASONAL STAPLES. Spring is a great time to shop the farmers market for produce. Support our local organic farmer by visiting these Dallas Farmers Market vendors, Lakewood’s Good Local Markets, or all-organic Bonton Farms in South Dallas to stock up on in-season organic produce like bok choy, strawberries, chard, and red and golden beets. 
  • DRINK GREEN JUICE DAILY. Do not underestimate the power of daily green juice. On an empty stomach, it is a straight shot of goodness into your bloodstream. The phytonutrients in green juice boost metabolism, help clear skin, reduce bloating, and balance blood sugars. EAT CLEAN practice complete!


  • GET IN THE GARDEN. Wanting to grow your own herb garden this year (or maybe a succulent garden for those not-so-green-thumbed GEMs)? Either way, spend at least 15 minutes each day working in the outdoors. An easy, productive way to stay active and get your daily MOVE practice in!
  • BIKE RIDES. Great for getting the whole family up, out, and moving together. We love hitting up the Katy Trail on our family rides! 
  • DAILY SUN SALUTATIONS! The perfect way to greet the day, Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, is a series of postures that strengthens and aligns the entire body. Try this quick 10-minute method every morning to set the tone for your day and to check off your daily MOVE practice!


  • DRINK YOUR ALLERGY SHOT! Spring is not so great for our allergies. But our Allergy Mix and Allergy Shots can help quell your pesky seasonal sniffles and sneezing, and are loaded with potent anti-inflammatory compounds including Elderberry, tart cherry, ginger, and ACV. Daily SHINE practice = done!
  • REGULATE YOUR SLEEP. It may be tempting to stay up later than usual now that the days are getting longer, but remember that restorative, blissful sleep is oh-so-critical to your health and well-being. Get a full 8 hours each night for optimum SHINE!
  • SUPPLEMENT YOUR WAY TO SHINE. Optimal brain function? Stronger immune system? Better overall health? Check, check, triple-check. Supplements help your body replenish the necessary amount of dietary nutrients it needs every day, giving it the turbo boost it needs to stay healthy and strong. But beware; all supplements aren’t created equal. Check out these six GEM-approved supplements to keep you Shining Bright!

What better time than spring to start your very own Original G·E·M·S Life? Begin today with these practices designed to help you on a path toward healthier, happier living. 

And if you miss a day, don’t stress — just get back on the disco train and start again. The goal is growth, positivity, and setting your intention to Shine Brighter in all areas of your life.

Need More Inspiration? 

Check out our Original G·E·M·S Life showcase page for more easy-to-start, easy-to-follow practices to help you kickstart your Original G·E·M·S Life. Let us know what practices you love, and share your ideas for other practices on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!

8 Practices for a #SelfLove Valentine’s Day with Original G·E·M·S Life

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This Valentine’s Day, we’re asking you to look inward. And listen to your body. If it’s saying, “Lover, lover, lover…you don’t treat me no good no more”, then it’s time to practice a little self-love — Original G·E·M·S Life-style.


“But isn’t self-care a little…selfish?”, haters will say. Actually, no! By engaging regularly in a few self-indulgent practices, we’re actually bettering ourselves for those we love.

Healthy self-care isn’t just about indulgence though — it’s about implementing practices that help ground us and relieve stress and its effects (anxiety, sleep problems, and irritability, anyone?).

In the Name of #SelfLove

Take time for a little self-care now, and keep stress levels low so you can operate at your brightest.

We’ve created a go-to self-care checklist to guide you through a Valentine’s Day with Original G·E·M·S Life — a daily playbook based our founding principles, designed to help you Shine Brighter in all areas of your life. Taking part simply requires doing four daily practices, one in each of these categories: Gratitude, Eat Clean, Movement, Shine. 

Try one practice below every day from each category, and enjoy some much-deserved YOU time this month!

8 Ways to Practice Self Care with Original G·E·M·S Life


  • Choosing a daily mantra, an affirmation repeated to yourself every day. Repeat after us: “I am enough, I have enough, and I am doing enough.”
  • Share your own Gratitude journal! Don’t just write down what you’re thankful for, share it online! Your warm fuzzies will light up the dark corners of the internet. Just don’t forget to tag us and add #OriginalGEMSLife so we can join in the Love Fest!


  • Our Tahitian Pearl Smoothie! Who says you can’t indulge in a little chocolate AND check off your #EatClean practice? 
  • Your very own GEM Cacao mix! Add to your own breakfast smoothies, or if you’re craving something sweeter, mix in with our housemade cashew milk!


  • Trying a self-love yoga session. We ❤️️ this one by Yoga with Adrienne (perfect for Valentine’s Day!). 
  • Getting organized! Keeping things free from clutter has been proven to keep you on track and helps you maintain your goals. Turn on some music, strap on those disco shoes, and get your workspace, closet, laundry room, or whatever space you’ve been avoiding back in order!

SHINE brighter by

  • Committing to your body-care routine. Maybe it’s skin care or supplements. Or morning stretching. We all slack on these sometimes. But whatever it is, do it every day! 
  • Detoxing with our GEM Detox Bath Salts. Our bath salts relax tense muscles, replenish magnesium, and reduce inflammation. Plus, their healing properties can also help moisturize your skin, decrease stress, and help you sleep better. Order yours today!

Whether you can commit to just one of these practices daily, or all of them, remember that YOU ARE WORTH IT. 

“Anytime we can listen to [our] true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” – Parker Palmer

Happy #SelfLove Valentine’s Day, GEMS!

About Original G·E·M·S Life Program

Shine Brighter all the time with an Original G·E·M·S Life, a daily playbook based on The GEM’s founding principles. Jump on our disco train and commit daily to just one practice in each of the categories, Gratitude, Eat Clean, Move, and Shine. Add in more practices and grow with the program when you’re ready and create your own Original G·E·M·S Life! Get started today!

Let us know what practices you love, and share your ideas for other practices on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook

Original G·E·M·S Life: 8 Ways To Show GRATITUDE This Thanksgiving!

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 3 Comments on Original G·E·M·S Life: 8 Ways To Show GRATITUDE This Thanksgiving!

We adore this energizing, inspiring holiday. Let it be a day of total GRATITUDE: for family, friendships, abundant delicious foods, and vibrant health. An all-nourishing kind of day – the body and soul. Don’t take it for granted…gratitude makes you GLOW.

Start. Commit. Grow. Join Original G·E·M·S Life!

Last week we shared our Original G·E·M·S Life, a recipe to Shine Brighter. We SPELLED it out very simply: select a practice that resonates with you from each of the four Original G·E·M·S categories: Gratitude, Eat Clean, Move, and Shine. The first category is Gratitude. How appropriate that we begin the Original G·E·M·S Life just days before the biggest gratitude day of the year. 

To make this a GEM-my Thanksgiving, embrace these small acts of kindness that will result in an elevated feeling of gratitude for all your blessings of abundance.

8 Ways Original G·E·M·S Show GRATITUDE for Thanksgiving

  • DECORATE. Adorn your table with words and photos of gratitude.
  • VOLUNTEER. Find ways to serve someone less fortunate. 
  • EMBRACE. Invite someone who would welcome the company.
  • SHARE. Share extras with a neighbor, a friend, or someone in need.
  • EXPRESS. Thank the top 5 people who have made a positive influence on your life. Tell them why.
  • GIVE. Make a donation to the North Texas Food Bank, or any other local non-profit organization. 
  • EXEMPLIFY. Provide guests with cards they can write down what they are grateful for. 
  • JUST BECAUSE. Bring a busy friend a turmeric latte or elevated coffee on Wednesday morning as they prep for the big day.

And don’t forget, dear GEMS:

  • CENTER YOURSELF. The holidays, even with all their glitter and excitement, can be emotionally draining. Family dynamics, loneliness, financial issues, and just the intense chaos of it all can be overwhelming. Take some time for yourself the night before to decompress. We need to take care of ourselves first!

We are most grateful for you, our dear GEMS—for your support, your passion for better health, your smiles, and your kind words we hear from you daily. Have a gratitude and laughter filled, healthy Thanksgiving. We love you, GEMs! See you back for more GEM goodness soon.

Jump Into Original G·E·M·S Life!

Shine Brighter all the time with an Original G·E·M·S Life, a daily playbook founded on The GEM’s founding principles. Jump on our disco train and commit daily to just one practice in each of the categories, Gratitude, Eat Clean, Move, and Shine. Add in more practices and grow with the program when you’re ready and create your own Original G·E·M·S Life! Get started today!

Let us know what practices you love, and share your ideas for other practices on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook

Live each day with Intention. Be present.

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on Live each day with Intention. Be present.

Want to be more present in your world? Do you desire to make the shift to a more vibrant, inspired life? Most of you would say yes. The shift begins with you, your thoughts, your time, and your intention to make a shift. Give yourself the gift of time to be more fully present in the world around you. You can ‘intentionally’ set yourself on a desired path, by being more focused on the good things in your life and the world around you–visualize your future reality. When you set your intention, you draw out a plan for where you want your day (and life) to go. We believe that by nourishing your mind, body and spirit every day, you can live the life of a GEM—one of focus, gratitude and health.

How, you may ask? It’s starts as simple as taking the time to do so—to be more fully present. Start by taking your own personal quiet time to begin your day. Wake a few minutes earlier than normal. Take a moment to breathe and be grateful for the new day. Hop out of bed, drink your water and find a spot to sit and contemplate. Write down what you want to see for yourself or list your prayers in a daily journal. Start your mediation with simple thoughts. This practice helps me with my “Find the Joy’ intention.

“Your intention sets your reality.”  ~ Wayne Dyer

Daily affirmations and intentions are key to starting this journey. There are many benefits to chronicling daily gratitude and being more connected. This is the first step. It’s simple, yet not always easy.


  • Don’t hurry. It’s just a few minutes anyway.
  • Put your phone on “do not disturb.”
  • Set your intention to be happier when you do this exercise.
  • Be positive and grateful.
  • Be specific about the good things, your purpose for the day, things for self-care.
  • Affirm what you want. I attract awesome.
  • Affirm every day: I AM AWESOME (or something else). Let your day be filled with love and light.


Everyday I express gratitude for my family, my health, and the comforts of my home. Other times it is deeper and more profound. What matters is that you recognize those things that are good in and around your life. We have so much, even in the midst of stormy times. Sometimes I go back and read previous entries, and it inspires me. It often makes me grateful for the evolution and the progress I’ve made. And then I write THAT down as something I’m grateful for!!!

It can be an amazing 10 minutes of your morning, righting your path to a brighter, more present YOU.

What about this journal thing? This journal doesn’t have to be fancy, BUT, if you need a little prompting – and we all need a little help sometimes – we’ve prepared a daily journal to remind you to nurture your whole health. It’s called “A Day in The Life” Journal. It contains a page that sparks the thoughts and ideas you need for an inspired day of self reflection and outward consciousness. This is the beginning of a practice that helps you to be more connected to the deeper world around you. Get one for yourself, and one for your bestie.

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in every moment.  Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.”  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Start your journey to be more inspired and more connected to the deeper world around you. While it may not be the path of least resistance, I assure you it is the path with the most rewards. We only have one life so make the most of it!

Photo credit: Erik Carlson Photography




GEM Gratitude. Want to Make a Difference? Join us November 19th

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We are driven to make a healthy difference at The GEM. One of our missions is to provide clean and healthy nourishment in a happy environment. We are driven to make people happier and healthier by offering healthy options AND hopefully enlightening you along the way to understand what and how healthy food makes a difference to your physical and mental well-being. We are GRATEFUL that we get to experience this every day!!

Making a differenceThat is why we love Feeding Children Everywhere. These folks, who just came to Dallas this year, empower and mobilize people to assemble healthy meals for hungry children and families all around the world. We LOVE that! And, we also LOVE that they are committed to provide the healthiest meal possible, made with real, nutritious and sustainable ingredients. That is an awesome commitment!

Their lentil casserole (yes! Lentils!) is easy to make and can serve as a full meal or as an addition to other foods. It is all-natural with no artificial flavorings and no creepy synthetic or GMO ingredients. And you know how important that is–and lentils for that matter!

They believe one person can make a difference but only with action—action that brings people together. SO, we invite YOU to come with us to help make a difference and assemble these food kits for distribution all over the world.

On Saturday, November 19th, Feeding Children Everywhere hosts the local, DFW Community Hunger Project. Held at St. Philips School, the organization plans to mobilize more than 350 volunteers to assemble thousands of kits in just one day.

These will be distributed right here in the Dallas area, making a difference to families that need nutritious food made with love.

Our GEM team will be there from 9 – 10 a.m. and would LOVE for you to show your GRATITUDE for your own abundance by bringing your smiling self, your friends or your family. For just a short one hour contribution of your time, you can make a healthy difference in the lives of others.

Sign now up by clicking HERE!