The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Category Archives: Health

Cancer DOES Define Me

Posted on by The GEM and currently has 34 Comments on Cancer DOES Define Me

Full disclosure. I’ve worked really hard over the last 9 years to put my cancer treatment and journey behind me. I am really a master, it seems, of compartmentalizing (almost all) experiences that were traumatic in my life. A great coping skill to eliminate emotional baggage. After fighting cancer, I liked to say, “I will not let cancer define me.” And I was adamant about it.


But the truth of the matter is cancer has defined me. The experience truly made me who I am today. I can’t deny it. I am brighter, shinier, stronger. It is the reason The GEM is here. 

I came to this realization while recently attending a luncheon honoring a fabulous GEM friend and cancer survivor. This event raised millions for the fight against breast cancer — providing access to advanced diagnostic equipment, innovative clinical research, and most importantly, safe, quality, compassionate care for those fighting cancer. Awesome. The theme was about acknowledging all that cancer brings: anger, fear, hope, love, courage, commitment and acknowledging that together we are strong and together we can do it. I expected that. But as I pushed around the almonds on my banquet arugula salad, something rocked me like a hurricane.

I experienced something profound. And unexpected.

As I listened to the stories of others affected by cancer, I became overwhelmed by a sense of immeasurable gratitude. Gratitude for the experience fighting cancer brought me. For the incredible care I was afforded in Dallas. The love and care shown me by friends. This support system is the reason I survived. The reason I thrive.


Fighting cancer impacted my life in 3 three ways:

  1. Made me more grateful and mindful of the blessings in my life: My husband who is solid gold. My parents’ unwavering support. My cadre of Rockstar friends. My health. I FIND GRATITUDE in every moment. That kind of positive perspective changes the reality of things.
  2. Changed how I responded to conflict. I breathe deep and know I will GATHER MY PEACE. Because at the end of the day, is it really worth it to stress and blow over big and small stuff? Hell no.
  3. Transformed how I looked at FOOD, and the POWER of it on my physical and mental health. The GEM is the manifestation of my new view on all that nourishes me.



To continue my cancer-free life, I now do these three things every day to launch a preemptive strike in the fight against the disease:

  1. Wake each morning to 32 oz. of water, deep breathing, and organic green tea. This routine includes listing three things I am grateful for. This changes my situational perspective. (Here’s one way you can use your morning routine to brighten your day.)
  2. Surround myself with shiny, happy people and places that lift me up. I find all of that
    inside The GEM community!
  3. Eat GREEN and CLEAN. Drink my celery juice first thing. By 11 a.m., I’ve already knocked back a kickass cup of MVP soup. (That means I’ve had seven servings of veggies before noon!). You can start by adding one extra green to every meal. It makes a big difference in my energy, mood, and waistline.


The truth is I’m grateful for what cancer has done in my life and the person I’ve become. Cancer does define me. And I’m proud of that. Thanks for allowing me to be honest. With you. With myself.

Celery Juice: Stalking Our Health; Making Us Better!

Posted on by The GEM and currently has 2 Comments on Celery Juice: Stalking Our Health; Making Us Better!

I added something incredible to my morning routine — and I’m obsessed. Nothing fancy, just organic celery juice with lemon.

Odd, yes. But fresh, raw celery has lots to offer our health…and has been quietly hiding its potential for years! Celery is anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and gut-friendly. There are so many incredible health benefits, and they are magnified by JUICING. FOR REAL PEOPLE, I see the difference!

Now, I’m not saying you should toss your Green Glow altogether. Quite the contrary. Deep leafy green juice has its amazing properties and place in your daily juice routine. Save your Platinum, Flawless or Green Glow for later in the day! Here’s why you should be sipping this simple green juice every morning.

The benefits of celery go beyond the gut. From the thyroid to the liver, celery is the GEM that will make your health shine.


GUT BENEFITS: Special nutrients in the fiber come alive when juiced. These nutrients promote optimal function of the digestive tract, relaxing and soothing the nerves damaged by unhealthy food choices, and lowering inflammation. That makes celery juice perfect for folks with IBS, Crohn’s, even colon cancer. The enzymes and mineral salts in celery help restore the HCL levels, so you better digest  and absorb food. I am here to tell you that things are moving beautifully on that front! The Medical Medium says that after just seven days, you could start feeling positive digestive effects! I agree!

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Celery contains a potent flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant and quells inflammation. It helps with JOINT PAIN, LUNG INFECTIONS, ASTHMA.

LOOK YOUR BEST: This wonder veggie as a natural diuretic, ridding your body of excess bloat AND reducing cravings. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties help clear up ACNE!!

THYROID SUPPORT: For thyroid-related issues, Celery is your girl! The mineral salts help fight and cleanse the body of the Epstein-Barr virus. Celery helps boost production of important thyroid hormones to help with hypothyroidism.

STRESS-RELIEF! The essential oils and minerals in celery, like magnesium, soothe the nervous system. Calm, anyone?

LIVER DETOX: Celery’s detoxifying properties work to remove bad bacteria, mold, viruses and other toxins from the liver. Also, the digestion support helps lessen the toxic burden on the liver.

HEALTHY HEART: The natural sodium helps lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, and lowers stroke risk.


Consume Celery juice first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach for maximum benefits when healing—then wait 15 minutes before you have anything else. These unique regenerating and healing properties can heal your gut, clear your skin, lower your blood pressure, and get you ready to party like a GEM rock star! DRINK YOUR (CELERY) JUICE!

SUPER ORGANIC NOTE: Celery is on the DIRTY DOZEN LIST, which means it’s sprayed with lots of chemicals and pesticides, so go organic, or GO TO THE GEM!


Far And Wide, We Go The Distance To Stay Honestly Organic

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 5 Comments on Far And Wide, We Go The Distance To Stay Honestly Organic

So. This happened. It’s the stuff Organic Juice Bar Horror movies are made of. We were given some of the worst news there is if you are an organic juice bar like The GEM. Wait for it: THERE ARE NO ORGANIC CUCUMBERS AVAILABLE FOR A WEEK. O.M.G.G! (Oh, my, Green Glow) We broke into a cold sweat. What’s an Honestly Organic Girl to do?

We were encouraged to pull the “organic when available” schtick and use conventional cucumbers for the next few days, or even worse, pretend like nothing happened and no one would be the wiser. An inside source told us that we were the only folks in town who order only organic. YIKES. Tempting as it might be, UMMMM. No. If MK and I won’t drink it, we won’t sell it.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate. We sprang into action. We went on a scavenger hunt to several Whole Foods, and they really came out the hero! The search was a success, and we scrounged up about 350 pounds of organic cucumbers from around town. Our incredible produce supplier also helped!

We did the right thing. Don’t you want to know you are getting what you think you are getting? We are proud to say, at The GEM, you do. For us, it’s Honestly Organic. NOT when possible or feasible. ALWAYS.

More Confessions: No Coffee, No Crime

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on More Confessions: No Coffee, No Crime

Another confession … I love coffee. I used to be disturbingly obsessed with it. Picture me standing in the office kitchen throwing back five cups a day, in carcinogenic styrofoam office cups no less. Anything that you consume in copious amounts is NOT GOOD FOR YOU. It is acidic, and usually filled with dairy and more crap than is worth mentioning. When I dove deep into my health journey (read: cancer diagnosis), I eliminated it altogether. That was a good thing, and for eight years, it was off my regimen. However, recently, I’ve added it back, except I’ve transformed the coffee into something that is magical! We call it “Elevated Coffee.” And you are going to want it!

This Elevated Coffee is special. It not only satisfies your ‘need’ for coffee, it provides incredible benefits that your typical, boring latte will never do.

Here’s what it looks like:

We take GEM French Press Coffee, add collagen peptides, coconut manna, and top it off with frothed, house-made cashew milk. This rock solid coffee is about to rock your world. My Elevated Coffee contains 10g of collagen peptides, 12g of protein, and 18g of brain boosting fats. It is enough to keep me going most of the morning!!

Here’s why:

  • The collagen contains proteins that aid in digestion, helps your skin and hair, quells inflammation and supports healthy joints.
  • The healthy fats from the coconut manna and cashew milk boost brain function, stabilize blood sugars, satisfy cravings, and fuel your brain.
  • Coffee is not SO bad. It is high in anti-oxidants. Studies show it may protect against type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer, and appears to improve cognitive function.  Cold brew is much less acidic too, in case you have digestive issues with it.


Be buzzed, brilliant, and a beautiful GEM. A Triple Crown Winner all on its own! Come grab your new morning habit this week!

P.S.  If you just want a plain AMAZING coffee, we’ve got that too.  Our French Press Coffee is one of the best kept secrets in Dallas.  For real!!

Confessions of a Wayward Juice Bar Owner. You Will Want to Hear This.

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on Confessions of a Wayward Juice Bar Owner. You Will Want to Hear This.

Well folks, I have some confessions to make. I’ve been living a double life for the last two weeks, and it ain’t pretty. Let’s just say I’ve been doing all the things (maybe not ALL, but still) that we preach inside The GEM to be bad for your health and happiness. OFF. THE. RAILS.  And you know what? I feel like crap, act like crap, AND I’m starting to really look like crap, too. What’s important here is a) not to judge, and b) to pay attention to the results of this real-life human experiment revealing what healthy living does (or in my current situation, what UN-healthy living does) to your body and mind.

This whirlwind of Slug-dom looks like this: Poorly planned meals, fat bastard cheese on everything, sexy-sugared goodies, gluten-glittered everything, liver-killing tequila too often, badass carcinogenic bacon, the absence of centering yoga, no muscle sculpting weights, and no calming meditation. “Cool,” you might say! “Sounds like the summer of champions!” WRONG. Stress has taken over inside and out, and the buzzards are circling.

Here’s what these choices have brought me:

  • Sloth-like afternoons. All I want to do at 4 p.m. is take a nap. THAT IS NOT NORMAL.
  • Dun-lap. Yep, my puffy belly has dun lapped over my belt. Subtle, but will be a problem if I don’t stop the insanity.
  • Slow-to-NO bathroom visits. You can figure out that one.
  • Old folk joint pain. I might be 50, but before this dark period, I felt like a million bucks. Now? A buck fifty at best. Inflammation at its finest.
  • Terrible sleep patterns.
  • Old lady eye bags and ugly skin. Poor eating AGES you. Almost immediately.
  • Piss-poor mood. I was definitely more pleasant before this tragic health trip. Food and exercise do miraculous things to your brain.
  • More self-sabotage. The worse I do, the worse I feel, then the more bad things I do. It’s a vicious cycle.

If you think these choices make you feel better, trust me, it is very short lived. The effects of this lifestyle manifest fairly quickly. I can vouch for that. Maybe you have a similar story? The struggle is real, people. And the struggle is HARD!

Listen up slugs, NO ONE is coming to save you. YOU are the 911 Rescue. Here are four ways to pull your slimy self up off the floor and start shining bright like the diamond you are. Let’s get our groove back starting with the following action items. I promise you will feel better almost immediately.

  • Drink a green juice each morning. Crowding out the bad stuff with the good makes all the difference. Plus all the veggies bring tons of energy and vibrance – boosts the liver to filter out the toxins!
  • Keep MVP soup on hand and drink a cup everyday this week. It’s 5 servings of veggies, filling, tasty and boosts your energy and metabolism and is chock-full of cleansing greens.
  • Meditate, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Focus on your breathing, focus on the present. It helps manage stress, and keeps your discipline in check.
  • Eat a dark, leafy green salad for at least one of your meals. Keep a GEM Chopped Veggie or Celery salad on-hand for a quick grab and go fiber-filled option. Have it before you go to that poolside bbq so you don’t gorge on the bad stuff.

Special note: Never say never. If you want a heavy, gluten and dairy-filled food carnival, pick a special one – make it worth your while. But please, DON’T MAKE IT YOUR DAILY M.O.  Make The GEM visit your next habit. Your body will sing. See you inside The GEM soon!















A Probiotic Cult Classic

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on A Probiotic Cult Classic

Get ready for the good health ride of your life. I want you to join The Coconut Cult with me. This one is actually good for you. The Coconut Cult is my new obsession, and it is soon to be yours too. I am talking about yogurt – dairy-free coconut yogurt, that is.

It’s important. Given all the research linking poor gut health to everything from immunity to depression to acne to insomnia, it’s no surprise that this probiotic powerhouse is catapulting into stardom. Your gut flora is responsible for your overall health and well-being. Take care of it.

It’s potent. This coconut yogurt is different and probably the most powerfully probiotic food you’ve ever tasted. They ferment 800 billion highly active probiotics into every quart, “creating an insanely probiotic coconut yogurt.” Other benefits: improved digestion, boosted immunity, and a cold-fighter.

It’s tasty. I love to mix mine with Qi’a superfood cereal and frozen blueberries. The texture is lighter, airier, and creamier than you’d think. It’s slightly sweet, almost fizzy, and super tangy – teaming with vibrant life forces! I love it and so will your gut.

Start slow. Think of it as a daily superfood supplement to start, like a replacement – or better, an enhancement – of your daily probiotic supplement or as your new favorite yogurt.

It’s expensive. But you’re worth it. It takes two or three whole coconuts and a day to make 16 ounces. There’s almost a trillion probiotics in each jar (25 billion in each serving), created from 13 vegan strains.

It’s its own religious experience. I just had to say that because it sounds good and quippy. But it’s true.

Order yours now at The Gem!

P.S. Tips on consuming:

  1. Start with a small dose and work your way up. As I said, this is a probiotic powerhouse!
  2. The jar lasts 8 weeks unopened, 3 weeks after opening – if you keep it closed tightly and don’t double dip.
  3. Variations are normal. Sometimes it is thick, other times lighter. Don’t panic. It’s all good!



Start Your Day With a Bright, Shiny Breakfast Bang!

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on Start Your Day With a Bright, Shiny Breakfast Bang!

It’s not breaking news to read that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But WHY? A good breakfast leads to better choices, more energy, boosted metabolism, better focus, reduced cravings throughout the day and even weight loss. It’s an effective way to be your best version of you.

If you are prepared, breakfast can be quick and easy. If you aren’t, you can sail off the rails really quickly by making choices that clearly don’t serve your health. In one of my favorite posts, I offer several great options for making breakfast happen at home. Many of you still weren’t convinced you could (or wanted to) do it on your own. We get it. That’s why we are here! Did you know The GEM offers amazing breakfast options? We make it simple to start your day off with a bright, shiny bang! Don’t have time? We do!

Smoothies. This is an obvious one. But if you’ve never tried our Cameo or Tahitian Pearl, you don’t know what you’re missing. Adding greens allows you 2 veggie servings out of the 8 you should consume daily. The fat from the coconut butter/manna keeps you satiated for hours. Want to really pimp your smoothie ride? Add extra protein – chia or hemp seeds – to shine like a rock star.

Lattes. Often these can be loaded with sugar and dairy and chemicals. NOT AT THE GEM. Ever had a real Matcha Latte? Not one made from syrupy concentrate? Incredible. Our Turmeric Latte, made with fresh pressed turmeric, ginger, garam masala and frothed cashew milk is a game changer—morning or afternoon—for happiness, inflammation, energy.

Steel Cut Oatmeal. Top it with raw walnuts, currants, cinnamon, maple syrup. This stuff is GOOD. Some folks like to add warm cashew milk and blueberries. I LOVE to add coconut manna for extra creaminess and brain boosting fats. It’s filled with blood sugar leveling fiber and energizing complex carbohydrates. Anyway you spoon it, it’s a clear morning winner.

French Press Coffee. Our coffee is the best kept secret in Dallas!! Combined with our warm cashew milk, this morning treat is sure to be your new addiction.

FOYO Parfait. This is technically a Smoothie Bowl in a cup. We top it with really yummy, not too sweet, granola. It’s got berries, tart cherry juice for inflammation, hemp seeds for protein and bananas. Add spinach or extra protein for a kick-ass start.

GREEN JUICE. And of course, a perfect day wouldn’t be complete without GEM JUICE. Fresh pressed juice helps balance blood sugar levels, energizes, makes your skin glow, and loves on your liver and kidneys. It is best to drink juice on an empty stomach for best results, so make it a priority and feel the difference.

Still think you don’t have time for The GEM? Order on our APP and we will have it waiting for you—even run it to your car if you need us to. (Download our app here) Or FAVOR offers $3 GEM delivery (sometimes even $1). You won’t even have to leave your home or office!! Call us at either location. Can’t wait to see you at daybreak!!















6 Things You Can Do Next Week BEFORE Spring Break Vacay!

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Planning to hit the beach and sunshine for spring break next week? Got a little regret about how that hot tub bod is looking? Want to kick off your break with a little more sparkle in your eye, more glow on your face, and a little less bloat in your belly? Try these 6 things for the next week to feel and look better for your poolside debut.

For the next 7 days …

  1. Eliminate gluten. No bread, pasta, flour tortillas. Gluten makes you bloated. It can also make you constipated … oh, yeah, which makes you bloated. Yeah, it’s hard, but if you don’t want to do it—YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
  2. Cut dessert sugars. Sugar makes you bloated, sugar makes your skin breakout, and sugar makes you want more sugar.
  3. Drink Daily Juice. The phytonutrients in green juice boost metabolism, help clear skin, reduce bloating, and balance blood sugars. This will help with the cravings. If you are really in the mood, start the week with a 3-day Juice ‘Til Dinner Cleanse from The GEM. You end your day with a nutrient dense meal after a day of vibrant, energy boosting juice.
  4. NO alcohol this week. There will be plenty of time for that while you are on vacay. And definitely no sugary wines, margaritas and bloating beer.
  5. Eat MVP soup for dinner at least 3 nights. This nutrient packed veggie soup puree is satisfying, gives 4 servings of veggies, adds fiber/reduces cravings, boosts metabolism. AND IT TASTES AMAZING.
  6. Drink 32 ounces of water every morning before you do anything else. This helps move the toxins out, accelerates digestion, and reduces bloating. Try CALM magnesium in your warm water at night to help you relax and to help get the bowels moving like they should.


  • Drink daily water. For all of the reasons mentioned above, plus the skin and body hydration, or in some cases rehydration, from the night before. Just Do It.
  • Take clean snacks to grab instead of airport junk. Tosi Bars, GEM Remix Nuts, Shanti Protein Bars. REALLY KEY. Stay away from the CinnaBon in the food court. Those things don’t wear well on the beach.
  • Bring Bio-Kult probiotics to stay well and regular. Often we over do it, or at the very least, we get travel constipation. A healthy gut is critical to an overall healthy body.

Your GEM List:
MVP Soup
Daily Pre-Break Juice and/or Juice ‘Til Dinner Cleanse
Calm Packets for Travel
Tosi Bars/Shanti Bars/Gem Remix
Bio-Kult Probiotics

SO, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Hurry into The GEM and grab some of these anti-bloat, pro-energy, beach/hot tub friendly goodies to get spring break ready. Or, order from our app — YOU’RE WELCOME!


Collagen, A Forever Young Secret

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 3 Comments on Collagen, A Forever Young Secret

Hold on to your boots. I’m about to let you in on a secret that will quite possibly make you feel like you just took a skinny dip in the Fountain of Youth. It’s called collagen. Here’s why you need this badass:

Collagen is the most abundant protein throughout the body, especially in the skin, bones and connective tissues. A whopping 1/3 of our body is made of it. And if you are over the age of 30, every year you make less and less of it.

There are 3 main types of collagen. In simple to remember terms …

  • 1 & 3 collagen: muscles, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons. It gives our skin strength and elasticity, along with replacing dead skin cells.
  • 2 collagen: cartilage is what holds our joints together.

Naturally, our own collagen production begins to slow as we age causing wrinkles, sagging skin, poor digestion and joint pain. Other factors:

  • Sugar ~ diet high in it
  • Vegetables ~ diet low in it
  • Smoking or being around it
  • High amounts of sun exposure

Listen, we are all aging, but why not try to fight it all the way? What if you can slow it down and feel better all at once? I’m game.

Adding collagen can make a real difference. How?

  • Anti-aging: hair, nails, glowing skin!!
  • Relieves arthritic joint pain
  • Contributes to tendon & bone strength
  • Improves gut health & digestion: “Heals and Seals” a leaky gut
  • Boosts immunity. Chicken soup, anyone?
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Aids in deeper sleep
  • Bone healing, regeneration

What goes IN your body is FAR more effective and important than what goes ON it. You need collagen, and we are going to tell you how to get more of it.


  • DRINK IT. Consuming foods like organic bone broth (like we carry from Stocks & Bondy) provides plenty of this vital protein. Sip it, cook your soup or rice with it. Don’t like to drink it? No worries …
  • SPRINKLE IT. This is kind of like drinking it too. Add collagen powder to your coffee, juice or smoothies. It is tasteless and odorless, so it’s a great way to pump up your morning java. Just ask for it! We are super excited to carry Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. AAAmazing!
  • POP IT. We have it in capsules that also contain vital nutrients to activate absorption. There are 2 different types: one for hair, skin, digestive tract, the other for bones and joints. You might need both.
  • SUPPORT IT: In order for your body to best utilize collagen, you want to make sure that you include vitamin C, or make sure that your supplement already includes these nutrients. Blueberries, broccoli are good supporting stars for collagen. Add our Beauty Boost to your regimen. This contains Biotin, vitamin C and other gems that help you shine.

Other things directly contribute to aging, how you look and feel. Being forever young is a complex recipe to cook up.

  1. Eat right. Duh. Whole food, plant-based diet.
  2. Hydrate. Water is the easiest beauty & wellness trick to incorporate.
  3. Manage stress (makes us old, sick, and affects how our body works).

You’re gonna love the way you look (and feel). I guarantee it. Grab some of this strength & beauty supplement inside The GEM today, or order from our app!







How to Stay Healthy This Cold & Flu Season

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on How to Stay Healthy This Cold & Flu Season

In the midst of one of the worst cold and flu seasons, what are you doing to prevent illness and stay healthy? While there are obvious practices that make a BIG difference – things such as good hygiene (WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN), good nutrition, lifestyle and sleep habits – there are amazing supplements that can boost your immunity to prevent and to lessen the symptoms of cold and flu. Our belief is to come at it from all angles! Want to stay healthy this cold and flu season? Follow these rules for prevention and more strength to fight it off with a greater one-two punch if you do get sick.

Diet & Lifestyle:

  • Exercise. Move, move, move.
  • Get sunlight and fresh air.
  • Reduce stress. Stress can compromise your immune system.
  • Get plenty of rest, especially during cold and flu season.
  • ELIMINATE SUGAR. Sugar suppresses your immune system for hours after you eat it. Sugar + white bloods cells/immunity = Kryptonite + Superman.
  • EAT NUTRITIOUS, UNPROCESSED FOODS. Our MVP soup packs a huge punch with lots of immunity boosting nutrients like mushrooms, cruciferous veggies, ginger.
  • BONE BROTH! Think about grandma’s chicken soup remedy. She knew it all along! Grab yours at The GEM.
  • STAY HYDRATED. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water each day.


Supplements. Take note. These are important and available inside The GEM!

  • PROBIOTICS.  Supports a healthy immune system. We love our Bio Kult.
  • TAKE YOUR VITAMINS.  Vitamin C is an immune system builder, but we need all of them to stay strong.
  • DRINK warm drinks like green or spicy chai teas. Even better try our Immunity Tea with local raw honey, turmeric, lemon and ginger. Our Turmeric Latte will change your life.
  • TURMERIC is one of the foods with the highest antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-viral, anti-fungal and can help protect against cancer. In shots, juices or supplements.
  • GARLIC. Add this antimicrobial herb in your cooking, eat it fresh, or infused in honey (making it an easier preparation for some to swallow). To maximize garlic’s benefits, crush it and let it stand for 5 or so minutes to allow its active constituent, allicin, to occur.
  • ECHINACEA. Current flu research indicates that Echinacea may help to shorten the duration and severity of the flu if used early. Echinacea can be taken as a tea or tincture. Try our Cold Cocktail tincture – it contains garlic, turmeric AND Echinacea. POW!
  • IMMUNITY MIX. Our immunity shots with turmeric, ginger, and lemon are badass warriors in the battle to stay healthy and fight it off. It’s topped with the Adaptogenic tincture that contains super-powered medicinal immune boosting mushrooms.Belly up to the bar or buy it in bulk.
  • ELDERBERRY. Take it when the virus first strikes to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Plus, it tastes yummy. You can find Elderberry Syrup in our Allergy Shots or by the bottle in our fridge. Add it as a boost to your tea or smoothie.


We take these ideas very seriously. It can make all the difference for you AND your family, so run in today to build your health arsenal and kick cold & flu season’s ass!



