The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Category Archives: Health

Arm Yourself Against Cancer: The #HonestlyOrganic Way

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on Arm Yourself Against Cancer: The #HonestlyOrganic Way

This one’s for you, Cancer. My fight against cancer for the REAL family jewels (the breasts) led MK and me to create the ONLY organic juice bar in Dallas. My multi-prong, cancer-free plan of attack included eating only whole, CLEAN, organic foods — pesticides, toxins and processed artificial ingredients HAD TO GO.

At the GEM, we know firsthand: This nasty disease is no joke. One more cancer sufferer is one too many. So we’ve made it our mission to provide only the BEST organic juices, smoothies and green bites with no compromise to help protect YOUR family jewels (prostate, breast, and colon) — and give you diamonds on the inside, too! 

Order your #HonestlyOrganic green bites and juices, on our app!

From the first diagnosis of breast cancer, I made a conscious decision to learn and do everything within my power to keep me cancer free. One of the first things I changed? My diet. Being scared into EATING straight is a real thing, people! This meant whole, CLEAN (organic) foods — no more artificial or processed junk, and absolutely no more pesticide-ridden fruits and veggies. 

But eating organic is only the first step to living a cancer-free life. Keep the treasures safe with these essential lifestyle changes:

10 Ways to Keep Your Family Jewels Cancer Free

  • MOVE TO A WHOLE FOODS, PLANT-BASED DIET. Eat fewer things that have feet (ie, animal protein) and eat more green plants. Read The China Study. Mind-blowing research about cancer and animal protein. 
  • ELIMINATE PRESERVATIVES AND CHEMICALS from your food. We can’t say it enough! That includes artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colors, nitrates, MSG, and more. And while we’re at it, replace those vegetable based oils (like canola, corn and soy) with healthier and whole avocado, olive and coconut oil. Fats are good for you, but only when they come from healthy, clean sources. By the way, did you know, there are no vegetables in vegetable oil? True story.
  • FIGHT THE SUGAR DRAGON: Not only is this ingredient highly addictive, it’s also known to increase cancer-causing inflammation! You can find added sugar snuck into almost everything: Corn syrup, rice syrup, dextrose, sucrose, lactose…the list goes on. 
  • READ YOUR INGREDIENTS: You’d be surprised at what you’ll find in some foods — even an innocent bottle of salad dressing. Hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, nitrates, artificial colors and more. 
  • DRINK YOUR GREEN TEA. The active ingredient in green tea – antioxidant compounds called catechins – reduces cancer occurrences. Our Forever Young Green Tea and Matcha Latte hit it head on! 
  • RELAX. Daily breathing exercises, meditation, and more decrease stress hormones released into your system, preventing cancer-causing inflammation. This stuff WORKS. 
  • ORGANIC BERRIES. Delicious, delicious berries contain significant antioxidants that help reduce cancer risk AND contain ellagic acid, which has been shown to slow the growth of some tumors (insert twig and berries joke here!).  
  • #SHINEBRIGHT WITH VITAMIN D. From safe exposure to sunshine, D3 supplements and leafy greens, Vitamin D suppresses the formation of new blood vessels that nourish the growth of tumors. The rates of breast, prostate, and colon cancer are lower in climates that have the most sunshine. Bring on the Hawaiian Tropic! 
  • TURMERIC & SELENIUM. Curcumin (active component) has been shown to interrupt the normal progression of cancer cells. Also great for arthritis/joint pain. Turmeric Lattes or straight shots of pressed turmeric — just do it. Selenium is a potent antioxidant or scavenger of carcinogenic free radicals. It is HUGE as an anti-prostate cancer warrior. Our GEM Remix has you covered.  
  • GET PHYSICAL. By adding energizing, stress-busting exercise to your daily routine, you can lower the levels of estrogen and insulin in your body — hormones which can increase cancer development and progression if left unchecked.  
  • STAY BOOZE-FREE. Women who had 4-5 drinks per WEEK had a 38% percent higher risk of breast cancer recurrence. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. Leave the competitive drinking games in college where they belong! NO EXCUSES! Try replacing your daily glass of wine with meditation, exercise, a dose of Natural Calm or a cozy Turmeric Latte. Alcohol is full of sugar and calories as empty as a Big Mac. 

Wearing pink, purchasing yogurt with a ribbon on it and regular screening just won’t cut it anymore. TAKE CONTROL. We are the sum of all of our tiny little decisions — good and bad.

Go on, be a GEM and give a big squeeze of love to your family and your family jewels. But above all else, remember to surround yourself with shiny, happy people and places that lift you up. See you inside The GEM! 

When Your Real Life Can’t Be #HonestlyOrganic

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on When Your Real Life Can’t Be #HonestlyOrganic

We don’t mess around at The GEM about the importance of organic. It’s the best thing you can do for your overall health. But real life is busy, and organic may not be convenient or available! Believe us, we know. We have gone to seriously GREAT LENGTHS to stay organic, and when you’ve got a full schedule, job, and/or family, driving all over Texas (or even to another Whole Foods) for organic cucumbers isn’t always possible.

Get your #HonestlyOrganic juices and smoothies, on our app!

Of course, if you’d like to eat organic GEM goodies all the time, we won’t stop you! But if you have to brave the conventional produce aisle under real world circumstances, here’s some info to light the way.

Most of the world’s food supply is riddled with pesticides that are not only ON our food, but actually scientifically engineered inside (YIKES!). Luckily for us healthy-loving GEMs, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce every year. It tells you which organic fruits and veggies aren’t optional, and which ones are safe even when traditionally grown.

Updated annually, EWG’s guide ranks pesticide contamination on 48 popular fruits and vegetables. It also offers shorter The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists. Super handy and helpful. Need an even shorter list? We’ve got you.

Dirty DON’Ts
These fruits and veggies are badass ingredients in your daily juice and smoothies—and a hard NO when not organic:

  • SPINACH & KALE. In your salads, in your juices, these leafy greens made it to the top 12 after a decade of being clean.
  • CELERY. Your daily celery juice has amazing benefits, but make sure it is organic!
  • STRAWBERRIES. Number 1 on the list for four straight years!
  • APPLES. Not only do organic apples actually TASTE better, but they are relatively inexpensive compared to their conventionally grown counterparts. Apples often stay in storage longer than a year. Shoot for organic apples in season that don’t sport a waxy surface to really get the most out of their delicious nutrients. SCORE!

When it comes to eating clean for you and your family, you can skip the organic-only aisle for:

  • Avocados. Only 1% of conventional ones showed any detectable pesticides. Save!
  • Pineapples. Sweet and ready to eat!
  • Broccoli. It’s better to eat broccoli that may have been exposed to pesticides than to not eat broccoli at all. Fun fact!
  • Mushrooms. Did you know that even one mushroom a day can have a significant reduction in cancer occurrences?

Let these lists be your guide to eating organically on a budget. Print them out and remember them. Don’t worry about every morsel you eat at a restaurant or at a friend’s home. Just make sure that IF you can, you are buying organic where it matters most. And most importantly, rest easy knowing that your food inside The GEM is healthy, safe, and, honestly organic. Always. Because we dance to the disco beat of organic, green goodness every day.

Why We Live #HonestlyOrganic

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on Why We Live #HonestlyOrganic

Organic or non-organic: why does it matter? More than a lifestyle, honestly organic is a way of thinking and a commitment to your health. Here’s the serious side of non-organic: PESTICIDES + GMOs = CHRONIC DISEASE & INFLAMMATION. You heard right (and there is science to back this up). Truly organic food, grown without harmful pesticides and non-GMO, is a major weapon in your arsenal to maintain health and well being.

Order your #HonestlyOrganic breakfast or lunch, on our app!

Organic is NOT a trend, a fad, or a when-convenient habit. A nutrient dense, ORGANIC (read: clean), plant-based diet is THE way to eat and live. (P.S. This doesn’t include trendy organic super-processed junk food. We mean WHOLE FOOD). Staying organic when it’s not convenient is hard and why so many businesses aren’t able to do it 100 percent of the time. But YOU ARE worth it. 

When you choose organic, you unleash the superpowers of clean, whole foods that produce a positive environment on our insides and on our earth. These foods kick start your body’s natural defenses against illness, inflammation, disease and almost every health issue.

Want to DISCO your way into a whole new lifestyle? Here are 5 more reasons why choosing organic is oh-so-critical to your overall health: 

SHE’S A BRICK HOUSE. Organic boasts more nutrients per square inch. Non-organic agriculture results in larger crops with lower nutrients — it’s known as the dilution effect. Organic methods improve soil and that leads to healthier plants—and healthier humans.

STAYIN’ ALIVE. REDUCE YOUR TOXIC LOAD. Toxins are cumulative—stored in our fat and liver cells, compounding on each other every time we consume them. Certain conventional foods contain these types of pesticides . So why keep adding toxins to your body?

Le FREAK. THINK ANTI-CANCER. Organic means non-GMO. Genetically Modified Organism. It sounds like a creepy science experiment, because it IS a creepy science experiment. GMOs often have cancer-causing toxins like glyphosate sprayed on and injected into the DNA of the plant—and hence, into yours.

BOOGIE WONDERLAND. IT’S WHERE WE LIVE. Choosing organic is MUCH better for the environment. Less toxic runoff, more healthy water and soil. When we choose organic, we are also choosing to love Mother Earth.

ROCK YOUR BABY…AND PROTECT YOUR KIDS. Feeding our children organic, whole foods is VERY important. The American Academy of Pediatrics says “Children have unique susceptibilities to the potential toxicity of pesticides…and chronic health implications from exposure continue to emerge.” Our kids have enough to worry about as it is. Help them live their best HEALTHY lives by choosing organic.

In brief, all of us—adults AND children—should be eating organic as much as possible to promote health and longevity. There’s a quote on the wall at The Gem by Hippocrates that we live by every day: “Let Food Be Thy Medicine.” We’ve lived by it from the beginning…and our story doesn’t veer from this principle.

7 Ways to Say Goodbye to Summer Slacking

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Stow away the swimsuits and the pool floaties. Pack up the margarita mixer and the BBQ grill. The care-free summer snacks, party food and all-night soirées have caught up with us (adios, summer bod). After months of facing havoc, your body is ready to get back to business. HEALTH business, that is!


Hate to break the news, but the summer party is officially OVER and it’s time to get back to healthy habits.

Snap. Back To Reality.

When all the fun and party begins to fade, we’re left feeling puffy and bloated, brain-foggy and just plain SPENT. Your mind and body are ready for a wake-up call. You want to get back on the feel-good wagon…and we know just how to help.


Here are a few sure-fire ways to get you feeling lighter (and BRIGHTER) again, and lift that summer fog:

  • MORE GREENS. Add just one EXTRA to your plate. For real, people, This works! The extra chlorophyll and phytonutrients will give you immediate energy and spark, while the added fiber will help boost your metabolism and enhance your digestion (read: you can get regular again). Have you tried our new Super Tabouli? It will make your taste buds sing AND your energy levels soar!
  • H2 OH-YEAH! Get back to your morning ritual of drinking water FIRST THING after you wake up. Not only is it super beneficial to your overall long-term health care, it’s also an easy way to detoxify your system without having to make major changes to your lifestyle. Bonus!
  • DAILY JUICE. Whether you dive deep into a 100% Celery Juice regimen or get back to old favorites like the Green Glow (kale, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger), adding daily juice will boost your metabolism & energy levels, maintain blood sugar levels, and even quell some cravings. It’s just the right way to start your day. (or afternoon pick up).
  • GET PHYSICAL. Stretch it out. Breathe deeply. Doing yoga or an at-home stretching sequence will make a HUGE difference in your day, and will keep your body healthy and renewed. Try some of these exercises to get started (you’re welcome). 
  • MAKE SMOOTHIES GREEN AGAIN. Your digestive system needs a break after everything it’s been through. Ditch the sweet, sugary breakfast and try a White Diamond with added spinach instead. Or, go full GREEN with an Emerald City. Your mind and body will thank you! 
  • PROBIOTICS, PLEASE! It’s high time to get yourself some good bacteria. Your system has been compromised: summer partying has no doubt upset the balance of good vs. bad bacteria in your gut. Digestion, immunity, and brain function are suffering. Stock up on some probiotics (Bio-Kult is the best), inside The GEM.
  • GO TO SLEEP! News flash: you’ve been staying up late, and it’s starting to catch up with you. Lack of sleep makes you crave sugar and ages you. Good sleep helps shed fat, keep disease at bay, and renews your energy. Having trouble getting back in the sleep-routine? Try some CALM tea at night to relax.

Try these steps and let us know how you feel! We’re certain clarity, energy and vibrance are in your very near future—and if you’re still needing a little bit of help, you can always kickstart your way back into good health with a detox cleanse from The GEM. Frenzied Fall…here we come!!

Celebrating 7 Years: What We’ve Loved (And Learned)

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It’s hard to believe that The GEM is already into its SEVENTH YEAR of serving organic juice goodness here in Dallas. MK and I never dreamed it would be so well received! Thank you to our beautiful GEM community, and for those who stand beside us while we live out our dream, each and every day!


Since opening our doors back in 2012, we can’t think of a better way to fill the day than inside this happy place—surrounded by folks who just want to SHINE BRIGHTER. Being around that kind of energy is contagious, and it makes us all better for it.

Every day for the last seven years, we’ve learned something new. But here are a few things we know for sure:


7 Years of Organic Juice
  • You are never too old to dream a new dream…even if it takes you into a completely different world! At 42, MK and I decided to do something wildly different with our careers (organic juice? really!) —and we have loved every minute of it!
  • There is no miracle food, only miraculous habits. Incredible transformations happen by mindfully thinking, eating, and playing clean and healthy. We’ve seen diet soda habits ditched, junk food eliminated, healthy routines established—all with life-changing results. And we love having a role in that!
  • MEN love a place to GLOW as much as women do. The GEM community has become a healthy “Cheers”, and we love it. (You can even find our very own Norm here any day of the week!)
  • DAILY ORGANIC JUICE is a game changer. We’ve seen skin disorders disappear, blood pressures lower, and waistlines shrink. Daily juicing calms inflammation, boosts energy, and simply makes you a better you.
  • Good energy matters. This GEM community is overflowing with the incredible power of meaningful social connections and infectious energy. Our goal has always been to make your day BRIGHTER just by walking in.
  • Kids love vibrant food and juice! From the babies who drink their morning Green Glow and toddlers begging for pink and blue smoothies, to the teens grabbing our soups and hummus during their lunch breaks, we are so inspired to see them starting down a healthy path so early in life.
  • ORGANIC FOOD and DISCO BALLS go together like peas and carrots…plain and simple!

Our love for this lifestyle only grows stronger with each one of you who walks in the door, and we are ever grateful for the opportunity to spread the word of clean and healthy living. Thank you, dear GEMs, for your support and love these past 7 years. We can’t wait for the next 7!


Healthy Begins at Bedtime: Go to Sleep!

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Listen up, Sleeping Beauty: When it comes to health, QUALITY SLEEP just might be the most overlooked element there is. While optimized nutrition changes are an integral piece of vibrant health, sleep is another critical one to heal and restore your body.


Restorative, blissful sleep is often hard to come by—but oh so critical to your health and well-being. Even more importantly, a LACK of sleep can cause serious damage, affecting your body’s ability to maintain:

MEMORY & FOCUS – Deep sleep helps with memory consolidation—where the brain processes events of the day, making memories and links. More quality sleep helps you remember and process things better. STAY SHARP: SLEEP!

WEIGHT LOSS – Poor sleep patterns mess around with your appetite, which control hormones. The rise in cortisol can cause adrenal fatigue and also make you hold fat around your middle. STAY SLIM: GO TO SLEEP!

RECOVERY – The sleeping body works hard repairing protein breakdown and damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays, and muscle exertion. Your cells produce more protein while sleeping. STAY YOUNG & STRONG: SLEEP.

DISEASE PREVENTION – The connections to lack of sleep and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are profound. Sleep also helps your body stay in a calmer state, reducing stress and anxiety. STAY CALM & SLEEP ON.

You can improve virtually every function of your mind and body by making a few small tweaks to your bedtime routine:


  1. COZY COMFORT. A quality mattress, good sheets (we love Peacock Alley), soft blankets and cool temperature will reduce annoying distractions and help you relax.
  2. TURN OFF TECH at least 1 hour before going to bed. That type of light really affects your sleep….which leads me to:
  3. COMPLETE DARKNESS. If your room isn’t completely dark, consider a sleep mask. This will also increase your natural production of melatonin, a sleep inducer and cancer fighter.
  4. SKIP OR REDUCE CAFFEINE. Caffeine not only prevents you from falling asleep at night initially, but also decreases the amount of restful sleep.
  5. EASY ON THE ALCOHOL & SUGAR. Alcohol feels like a sedative at first as it slows motor and brain function, but as it’s metabolized acetaldehyde is produced, which acts like a stimulant.
  6. BATHS.  Bathing with Epsom salts (and lavender oil) is a great way to prepare for a restful night of sleep. An evening bath is a beautiful ritual that nourishes mind, body and spirit, and disrupts less healthy habits.
  7. EXERCISE. Fit in 20-30 min of moderate exercise daily, but several hours before bed. Try simple yoga stretches daily.  It can dramatically increase your sleep quality.
  8. CLEAR YOUR MIND. Hit the reset button on your mind. Before going to bed, journal. Try a guided sleep meditation from HeadSpace. If you can’t fall asleep after lying in bed for 15 minutes, get up and do something relaxing for 15-30 minutes before returning to bed.
  9. SLEEP ENHANCING SUPPLEMENTS like magnesium (CALM Tea). It is a great way to stay regular, quell anxiety, treat menstrual cramps, allay menopausal symptoms. Also, 300mg of passionflower or 320mg of valerian root extract before bed can relax and help you sleep better.

Bottom line? Get at least 7 to 9 HOURS of sleep every night. You really are NOT one of those people who only needs 5 hours of sleep. It’s just not possible. Good sleep helps you shed fat, keep disease at bay, and stay focused. When it comes to your overall health, focus, weight, and immunity, radiant GEMs know SLEEP IS WHERE IT’S AT! 

22 Healthy Snacks Teens Will Devour

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Don’t get in the way of a hungry teen looking for sustenance. Their growing bodies and brains need healthy snacks when they need them. So if you wait for them to start rummaging through the kitchen, you may have already lost the battle for healthy food.


Teens will snack on what is in front of them, whatever it is. So keep a few options out or in the fridge and they’ll be sure to eat them up.


Healthy Snacks for Teens

  1. Organic stove-top popcorn with coconut oil and sea salt. Dee-lish.
  2. Sliced cucumbers and carrots marinated in lime juice and salt. Sooo good!
  3. Organic chips with fresh pico, salsa, guacamole and bean dip.
  4. Nachos with pinto beans and organic Mexican cheese
  5. Sunflower seeds. Pistachios are fun to eat. Toast your own pumpkin seeds.
  6. Turkey Muffins. Sounds weird, but they are yummy and easy to make.
  7. GEM Hummus Snack Pack, or make your own. Have you tried our “Ranch” dip?
  8. Sliced apples with organic almond or peanut butter.
  9. Always have Cutie oranges, grapes, or bananas for an easy grab.
  10. Make a smoothie! Blend 1 frozen banana with 1 cup almond milk, raw cacao and organic peanut butter for a yummy treat. Better yet, make a Sparkle Berry smoothie. They will love you!
  11. Speaking of The GEM, the Badass 3 Bean Salad is a big hit with the kids.
  12. Avocado toast with lemon, cayenne, and sea salt.
  13. Mini pizzas made with whole grain English muffins, fresh marinara, mozzarella.
  14. Lentil soup or turkey chili with all the fixings.
  15. Simple Mills crackers are yummy (and gluten free)!
  16. Kids love Sami’s Cinnamon Chips. These high-fiber, low-sugar snacks will disappear. Available at The GEM.
  17. Pre-make whole wheat or banza chickpea pasta and keep a clean and healthy Pomodoro sauce or pesto on hand for a quick pasta break.
  18. Keep grass-fed taco meat and whole wheat tortillas in the fridge for quick quesadillas. When buying tortillas or taco seasoning, look for brands that have simple ingredients. Mission or Taco Bell does not.
  19. Steam frozen organic edamame and add sea salt.
  20. Make-ahead yogurt parfaits in a small Mason jar! Mix Greek or Kite Hill yogurt with Marge (available at The GEM) or Kind granola and berries, and drizzle honey on top.
  21. Healthy protein bars. Look for ones like Clif, Perfect, and Vega with simple ingredients and no harmful chemicals.
  22. Special treat: Homemade cookies and brownies! Just use organic flours, whole butters, and real chocolates — or mixes that do the same like King Arthur or Immaculate Baking Company. A little goodness goes a long way. These treats should be treated as just that — treats.

Find one or two your teen likes and try out new ones every week. Keep a few on your shopping list, and they’ll never run out of options.

5 Ways to Tame a Teen Junk-Food Junkie

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Is your teenager slowly transforming into a junk food junkie? It’s a real threat to their health — and your sanity. At the very stage they need it most, they opt for junk instead of nutritious foods! The struggle is real.


Nutrition affects the 4 As: athletics, academics, attitude, and appearance. Majorly important to teenagers — and they need to know it. Inflammatory junk foods such as fast food, sodas, potato chips, sweets, etc., cause seriously negative effects.

Junk Food Consequences

  • Acne.Teen Diet Nutrition Junk Food
  • Low energy, sluggishness.
  • Inability to focus/concentrate/ADHD (largely affected by artificial dyes and lack of good fats and proteins.)
  • Allergies! (Check out The Unhealthy Truth by Robyn O’Brien. Infuriating!)
  • Mood swings, anxiety, anger, hormones. (Food can be a big factor in managing mood.)
  • Weight gain or risk of obesity.

A change is needed! It’s a lot to take in. But if we can help them adopt a few good habits, we keep them thriving, healthy and happy — straight into adulthood.

I don’t suggest coming in full swing with kale chips and sprouted quinoa burgers. Start slowly. Remember it’s never too late to end junk food habits; but it does start with you.

5 Tips for Feeding Teens

  1. MODEL GOOD NUTRITION. Practice what you preach. Show your teens how to make healthier choices — like by having grab-and-go options always available — so they learn the connection between good food and good health. It may be hard, but modeling behavior is part of our job as parents.
  2. MAKE IT RELEVANT. For this to sink in, the nutritional message has to mean something to them. Be specific. Tell them how food affects their growth, their looks, their feelings, their academic and sports performance, or whatever seems to be the most important to the teen during that particular week. Tell your child that eating lots more green leafy vegetables and less dairy or sugar will eliminate breakouts, or skipping the french fries and milkshake might make for a better basketball game.
  3. EAT MORE QUALITY PROTEIN — at every meal.The growing teenage brain and body need protein. Protein gives the body the building blocks it needs to repair and renew, and it also serves as a source of energy and keeps them from craving sweets. Try wild fish, organic chicken, grass-fed beef. Nut butters are also good sources of protein — just make sure they are all natural and not loaded with sugars.
  4. CLEAN OUT THE PANTRY. Start out small with foods containing with artificial colors (banned in Europe) and sweeteners immediately. Artificial sweeteners are known to cause 93 unsavory side effects including brain tumors. Food colorings are known to cause tumors, ADHD, allergies, and lots of other problems. Even replacing superbad junk with organic, non-GMO junk is a non-toxic step in the right direction. But be thorough. Even the most unsuspecting of foods, like bread or tortillas, can have more chemicals in them than you can count — much less pronounce — so read the labels.
  5. EAT BREAKFAST — the most important meal of the day. This is so true for kids when it comes to brain development, daily energy levels, and ability to focus. Think protein-rich eggs, low-sugar smoothies, oatmeal, breakfast tacos. Fruit Loops are not an option. Sugary cereals and drinks have no place at breakfast — they give brains nothing to function with — and the accompanying sugar spike and drop makes kids cranky. Special note: Breakfast may be your only chance of the day to influence their choices. It also can be a great way to spend a moment with your kids — that you otherwise might not have!

Ultimately, good nutrition comes down to a lifestyle, not a week or so of regimented consumption (returning straight to their favorite junk foods). Armed with an understanding of this, teens can start making informed choices that will support them for the rest of their lives. Thoughts? Questions? Leave a comment!

5 Ways to Stay Shiny This Flu Season

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Happy cold and flu season! It’s that time of year during which we’re surrounded by a turbulent sea of germ-y sickness, just waiting to swallow you up.


Want to stay above the virus-infested waters? Get your life raft in order. That means boosting your immune system and flooding your body with health and wellness. Then, you’ll be better equipped to combat illnesses and quickly dispense with any bug that you do catch. And we’ve got some super powered tips to get you there.

5 Ways To Stay Strong, Shiny, Bright and Well

Cold and flu season tips at the GEM Juice Bar Dallas

1. EAT GOOD STUFF. But don’t just focus on one nutrient. Sure, vitamin C helps keep your immune system strong, so include foods like orange, blueberries, peppers, and broccoli. But those should be just one part of a whole-food, plant-based diet featuring lots of in-season vegetables. Our made-from-scratch MVP Soup, with four to five servings of 13 different veggies, packs rich nutrients into a warm cup of ridiculous yumminess. Keep extra servings on hand for on-the-go nourishment.

2. DRINK YOUR JUICE. If you struggle to get the recommended eight servings of veggies each day, try juicing! Consume juices that consist of three parts vegetables to one part fruit. Our Ruby Slipper, a blend of carrot, beet, lemon, ginger, and cucumber packs a stress-busting combination that fortifies your immune system. A Green Glow has been known to cure all that ails you! Add turmeric and E3 boosts for a little immune-supporting punch.

3. FEED YOUR GUT. Good bacteria — key to healthy gut flora — diminish inflammation, supporting our immune system and preventing illness. Antibiotics, stress, and poor diet compromise this balance. So, during this season, make sure you’re consuming probiotic-packed foods, like sauerkraut or organic miso. Daily shots of raw ACV also help. But it’s imperative to add a probiotic supplement like Bio Kult — a great one that doesn’t require refrigeration.

4. DO SOME SHOTS. That includes Fresh Turmeric and Ginger. Make sure you get your dose of these two —the most anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting spices you can consume. Try daily Immunity Shots at The GEM. Or you can buy the Immunity Mix (turmeric, ginger, lemon) in 8-ounce bottles and make your own super-powered ImmuniTEA with raw honey at home. It’s SO good, too. And don’t forget Elderberry Syrup. This is an age-old remedy that not only works to keep you healthy, but it also tastes good! Buy it by the bottle, or in our Allergy Mix, which includes tart cherry and Bragg’s ACV to quell inflammation.

5. TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS. While we do believe your diet must be clean and pristine to stay strong, immune boosting supplements and tinctures can provide the final gloss on ensuring your health for the season. If you do find yourself feeling a little under the weather, immediately down our Cold’s Cocktail, a tonic that helps push that cold on through. Our latest miracle, Counter Attack clears congested sinuses and pushes your cold on through with a badass blend of Vitamin C, Zinc, elderberry, probiotics, echinacea, amino acids. You gotta get some of this stuff!

To Recap: Your Cold and Flu Season Arsenal

Cold and flu season prevention The GEM Juice Bar Dallas

1. Good, clean food. MVP Soup and Bone Broth

2. Juice. Green Juice. Any of it

3. Probiotics

4. Shots like our Immunity and Allergy (Turmeric, Elderberry in bulk)

5. Supplements like Cold’s Cocktail and Counter Attack boosters

Stay healthy, my friends! And see you inside The GEM.

Get Lit. Let’s Do Shots!

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Back in the day, if you wanted a partner to do bar shots with, I was your girl! I’m older now, more responsible, and (slightly) smarter. But who doesn’t like a good shot  — especially one that gets you going — and keeps you going? Superfood healthy shots have become the new party trick.


All of the fun; none of the hangover. Belly up to the bar and serve yourself some seriously potent GEM shots of immune boosting, energy inducing, detox supporting ingredients from nature’s saloon. Turmeric, ginger, elderberry, E3 live are just a few concoctions to help you get lit with health.

Organic Juice Shots

Below is a bartender’s guide to all that’s shot worthy inside the GEM. Standard pours include:


For healthy digestion and immunity. This nutritional gem warms the body and boasts antinausea, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds. Ginger helps support healthy metabolism and digestion. You can even add a shot to your tea!


For Inflammation. Nature’s Advil. This orange root is a powerhouse of protection—even against heart disease. It is the “ANTI” food: Anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, anti-Alzheimer’s, anti-aging. Add turmeric to everything!

IMMUNITY SHOT: Ginger + Lemon + Turmeric + Adaptogenic Mushrooms

To cleanse, detoxify, and lessen inflammation. Feeling icky? This is our best-selling shot thought to lessen the symptoms of a cold. In addition to turmeric and ginger, Lemon is alkalizing and has a kick of vitamin C. The boost of mushroom tincture adds cancer-fighting compounds that can help reduce inflammation, pain and support metabolism.   


For detox, brain health, metabolism, energy. Bright Like a Diamond shot contains spirulina, ginger, cayenne. Blue-green algae (sold as E3 Live or Spirulina) boasts vitamins A, C, E, B12, and B6, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Some of this goodness comes from cyacyanobacteria — and that blue color signifies loads of antioxidants.

ALLERGY SHOT: Elderberry + Tart Cherry + Ginger + ACV

For allergy relief, joint pain. This combo works! It’s loaded with potent anti-inflammatory compounds. Elderberry has been used for centuries to quell allergies and fight off colds and flu. You can take Elderberry straight — it tastes amazing, and your kids will love it. ACV promotes healthy gut bacteria, balances blood sugar, reduces acid reflux, and helps lower cholesterol.

PERFORM: Beet Juice + Lemon

For recovery, stamina, liver detox, and athletic performance. Rich in natural chemicals called nitrates, beets are a miraculous addition to your daily routine. Your body changes nitrates into nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.

Scared to shoot it straight? Add these shots to your Green Glow or even your Cameo. This time it’s ok to be overserved. Get a good mix of

shots, and round out your cocktail hour with a bang. Couple the Immunity Shot with the Perform. Or add one to your juice. Float a ginger shot into your hot tea. Just do it. Your only hangover will be shining bright. Cheers to your health!

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